Navigating Your Brand

It is refreshing when brands recognise that they have distanced themselves from their original and inherent brand values. This is exactly what @Instagram has recently admitted to after its head, @AdamMosseri, posted a reel onto his profile detailing that the ‘Instagram Shop’ will no longer be included in the navigation when February begins. This 180-degree spin on its navigation appetisingly takes away the mentality that all apps are and should be, commercially focused.   

Mosseri shared a reel to his 1.8m followers describing how the platform is changing.

 Not only this, it also solidifies the intention that Instagram is opting to align content with their community – in our opinion, the backbone of every successful marketing campaign. In a recent survey which Millie pointed out earlier this year, Instagram has lifted out ‘thrifting’ and ‘upcycling’ in their trend prediction report, stepping away from fast fashion. The brand aims to become more authentic to its content, making users more engaged, relatable and creative.  

Nowadays, when certain buying patterns and trends evolve, who can blame these platforms for going along with what their competitive cohort is also doing (see, for instance, TikTok shop and platforms like Shopify)?  But, going against the grain, Instagram has vocally put its hands up, saying it would like to pull focus, facilitating a space “for people to create, be entertained and connect with friends over the things they love”, strengthening its advertising and short-form video features.   

Instagram is essentially opening itself up for who they really are, which I believe is what the platform should stimulate its users. They want organic, unpretentious, and honest content – and by lessening their quality in attempting to change this, has courageously streamlined their innate strength. Welcoming their exhibit of trying to become a different brand will only make their users question their own brands or themselves. 

The crux: stay true to yourself, and the natural ebbs and flows of creativity will thrive.  



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2023 Trend Predictions